Superdelic and Nectaron will be back in stock end of this month

2023 US Experimental X26

2023 US Experimental X26

Regular price $2.50 Sale

US grown

Experimental 26 hops are a new variety described to be herbal, and fruity. Some of the distinct notes found include pine, sweet berry, tropical fruit, red fruit, and stone fruit.

Lot Number --
Characteristics pine, sweet berry, tropical fruit, red fruit, fruit
Usage Dual Purpose
Alpha Acid 6.2%
Beta Acid 2.8%
Co-Humulone --
Total Oil 1.0 mL/100g
Myrcene --
Humulene --
Caryophyllene --
Farnesene --
Substitutes --
Style Guide IPAs, Pale Ales, NEIPAs
Storage Index 0.270