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2023 US Bergamot™

2023 US Bergamot™

Regular price €1,95 Sale


Bergamot is a dual-purpose hop that can be used in all hop additions throughout the brewing process.

Bergamot subtly nicknamed "O.A.F." by the brewers in the GLH Brew Group that have crafted incredible first round trial brews with this hop. There is no lack of orange in this hop. You won't need to garnish your beer with an orange slice ever again.


Mango, Orange, Dank, Cherry, Zest, Lemongrass, Lime Aid, Juniper, Orange Juice

Brewing Values

These are the common ranges that we've seen with Bergamot hops over the years. Each year's crop can yield hops that have slightly different qualities, so these number ranges are based on history.

Alpha Acid % (AA)
Alpha acids are the main source of bitterness in beer. Longer boil times will result in isomerization of more alpha acids leading to increased bitterness. Learn more »

9.4% avg
Beta Acid %Beta acids are a component of hop resins responsible for contributing volatile aromatic and flavor properties. Beta acids contribute no bitterness. 6-8.9%

7.5% avg
Alpha-Beta RatioThe ratio of alpha to beta acids dictates the degree to which bitterness fades during aging. 1:1 ratios are common in aroma varieties. 1:1 - 2:1

1:1 avg
Co-Humulone as % of AlphaLow cohumulone hops may impart a smoother bitterness when added to the boil as opposed to higher ones that add a sharper bitterness to the final beer. Learn more » 39-40%

39.5% avg
Total Oils (mL/100g)These highly volatile, not very soluble oils are easily boiled off, but add flavor and aroma to the finished beer when added very late in the boil or during fermentation. Learn more » 2.27 mL

2.3mL avg
›  MyrceneFlavors: resinous, citrus, fruity (β-myrcene) 44-45%

44.5% avg
›  HumuleneFlavors: woody, noble, spicy (α-caryophyllene) 14-15%

14.5% avg
›  CaryophylleneFlavors: pepper, woody, herbal (β-caryophyllene) 9-10%

9.5% avg.
›  FarneseneFlavors: fresh, green, floral (β-farnesene) 0-1%

0.5% avg
›  All OthersIncluding β-pinene, linalool, geranoil & selinene 29-33%